The Liberty EDC invited members of the business community and citizens to find out about the latest updates on the many infrastructure projects going on in Liberty and surrounding area this morning. B&B Theatres in Liberty graciously agreed to hold the event at the theater which means the seating was comfortable for all in the heated leather recliners. Andy Noll, Public Works Director for the City of Liberty presented plans on the bridge replacement on 152 and the improvements being made on Kansas street. The project which The City of Liberty, Kansas City and The Missouri Department of Transportation are working on together is expected to start in June of 2019, the bridge replacement is expected to be done October 2019 and the entire project should be completed in 2020. Andy also updated that the Liberty Parkway project should be open this fall.
Below are a few of the informative links the city provided during the presentation.
Link to 152 bridge – traffic movement video
Link to Driving Eastbound to Northbound on Route 152 Project in Liberty Video
Link to the drone video of South Liberty Parkway
Dennis McIntire, Executive Director of Development and Construction for B&B Theatres gave a brief history of B&B theater and took everyone on a tour of the new theater.
Special thanks to Andy Noll with The City of Liberty, and Dennis McIntire with B&B Theatres!
Liberty Economic Development Corporation
Ralph Boots, EDFP
Executive Director