Guest speaker Tim Cowden President and CEO of Kansas City Area Development Council (KCADC) spoke to investors about regional economic development at our October Investors meeting. He shared with LEDC investors on how KCADC markets the KC region. He talked about some of the projects in the works, projects that have located and even some that KC missed like Amazon. Even when KC didn’t make the cut for the Amazon bid many lessons were learned to make KC stronger in competing for future projects. Kansas City is a very unique town because of all the love the community has for it. He noted site selectors have taken notice seeing people showing KC pride. These are exciting times for the Kansas City area!
Jeff Watt with the Liberty City Council talked about Prop D and the importance of spreading the word about this upcoming vote. Here is a link to to find out more about Prop D and what it will provide our community.
Thank you to Hawthorn Bank for sponsoring this informative event.
Liberty Economic Development Corporation
Ralph Boots, EDFP
Executive Director