The Liberty EDC held its quarterly Board of Directors meeting on May 16th at the Liberty Public Schools Administration Building. The meeting featured Curt McCoy with MFS Design who talked about changes made to the LEDC website. Curt displayed before and after pictures of our website to analyze some of the changes made, he also highlighted how mobile friendly the new website is. Google analytics and the placement in web browsing were explained to the board to emphasize the importance of managing our online presence. Curt also talked about the importance of maintaining our website and keeping content & programs up to date.
Websites are the hub of companies marketing efforts and can be used to benefit the business, customers and associates. A website is never finished. It should be a ongoing effort.
The Liberty EDC looks forward to continuing to improve our web presence and utilize our website to drive our initiatives.
- Curt McCoy, MFS Design
Liberty Economic Development Corporation
Ralph Boots, EDFP
Executive Director